How Airway Stents helps the world breathe better.
Donnie L. I have used the AlaxoLito Plus nasal stents for 5 months now. Basically, I am very satisfied and have recommended them several times to my circle of friends.★★★★★
Ryan E., Nebraska After decades of suffering with sleep apnea and breathing through my mouth I had figured it was just my reality. Then I tried the Alaxo Stent. What a difference, I can now breathe through my nose! I feel more energetic, I get a better night’s sleep and I don’t sound like a chain saw when I am sleeping. I like the results so much that I will often wear the stents throughout the day…Continue Reading
Chris, M.
The Alaxo stent is unlike anything on the market today. Many, like myself, don’t want to have turbinate reduction surgery. But we also realize the nasal strips and sprays don’t address the main cause of constricted nasal breathing, which is swollen turbinates. The Alaxo is the only product that helps to fix that problem. I plan on using the Alaxo stents for many more years to come.
John H. In addition to my nasal breathing problem I suffer from a lung one as well. This is all highly improved with the AlaxoLito Plus Nasal stents. Without the stents I cannot sleep. I am dependent on them.★★★★★
Chris T., Chicago, Illinois
For years I suffered from chronic sinus issues of draining, infections, and congestion. A local ENT specialist performed a CT scan of my sinuses, proving that I was suffering from chronic inflammation without structural sinus interference. As a result, I was prescribed a regimen that consisted of daily antihistamines and intranasal corticosteroids. For me, taking these types of medications on a daily basis was not an option because it did not provide a solid solution…
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Sasha, T.
Cindy L., Florida The Alaxo Stent has literally changed my life for the better. I was fatigued nearly every day and was diagnosed with sleep apnea. However the CPAP machine is not something I could tolerate. I researched for months to find an alternative, trying several unsuccessful products…Continue Reading
Wes, Edmonton, Alberta
After years of suffering with Sleep Apnea and Snoring and spending thousands of dollars on various devices, CPAP Machine $2500, Mandibular Positioner Dental Device $2250, I have finally found something that works. The Alaxo Stent has been a total game changer,…
Tony, L.
Absolute life-changer/life-saver in my case. It did take several days of getting used to and acclimated to the device – gag reflex/swollen nasal passage/mucous production, etc. But by ‘sticking with it’ and ‘staying the course’ every night – I quickly became much more comfortable with the device. This is worth noting – because I almost gave up.
Now – just as advertised – I have little to no episodes of ‘not breathing’ anymore (used to experience several per hour). And I have reduced snoring down to virtually none. I am currently also using an oral appliance that forces me to breath nasally – this eliminates dry/sore throat and uvula vibration. Seems to be a great combination of tools for me. I use the SnoreLab app to record my sleep. The results and change in quality sleep and elimination of OSA has been INCREDIBLE.
Devin, H.
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